Mother heroine: the dog starved to death and froze for months without leaving her five hungry puppies


People all over the internet were moved by this story of Celeste’s devoted dog mother.

It’s about two-year-old Celeste, who was mercilessly thrown into the street when she was pregnant. She was forced to live and give birth on the streets alone and without people’s help.

Then she practically faded, still doing everything in her power to take care of her beloved puppies. The life of a street dog is definitely not easy, especially if she still has babies.

She had to feed them, keep them all safe and take care of them.

In the aftermath, Celeste was so exhausted when they were all found. All of her energy, her nutrients were spent making sure her puppies were full and didn’t freeze in the cold.

She was so skinny, and the puppies sucked her milk like crazy, and she endured it all even though she herself was starving.

But, despite their difficult start to life, the puppies, fortunately, turned out to be completely healthy.

It was the body of Celeste, exhausted from hunger as she struggled to keep her five puppies alive. She did her best to keep them safe and sound for 5 months.

Finally, it was Celeste’s turn to feel calm and safe.

Celeste would rather starve herself than let one of the puppies starve… She is a good mother who has always loved the puppies more than herself!

But now it’s time for her to be loved and become the happiest mom in the world!

It was like fate when they were all welcomed into the home of adoptive mother Elaine Nelson-Hosack.

They found themselves just when they really needed help. They both needed a loving heart and support.

The puppies and Celeste will soon be fine and will never again suffer from lack of food or fear of insecurity. They found their true love and support just in time!

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