A dog with two broken legs staggers to the remote station of park rangers looking for help


April Loew and her fellow park ranger burst into tears when they saw the young dog outside their station. He had two broken front legs and was shaking.

But April, a forest ranger in Arizona state parks, immediately took it upon herself to treat the dog. , written puppydogs.info

The mix of Australian Cattle Dog and Catahoula mysteriously appeared outside the lost Dutchman State Park ranger station, a station four miles from the nearest gas station.

«His tail was coming in, he was literally shaking,» Loew told ABC 15 Arizona. «He was hopping a little on his hind legs like a kangaroo.»

«I was crying… the park superintendent here was crying,» she said. «We just couldn’t believe anyone would leave this little guy because he’s so, so nice.»

She took ‘Ranger’ to the vet where his broken bones were treated, but he didn’t have a microchip or tattoo to identify her.

Loew pays Ranger’s veterinary bill and plans to keep him. She wonders why someone would be as ruthless as leaving a dog in this way.

Loew pays the vet’s bill to care for the dog back to health; his legs will take a few months to heal. While it remains a mystery how Ranger ended up in the park and who dropped him off there, Loew says she’s happy to welcome him and give him a home.

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