Pit Bull refuses to leave the shelter without Chihuahua


A pit bull or Chihuahua are two very different breeds of dogs from each other. One has a small body that flies everywhere while the other is large and active.

It’s hard to believe that the two dogs could ever be friends, but an article about pit bull and chihuahua making friends at the shelter is trending online.

Special obligation


They were together all the time, and if they ever separated, they cried. Soon enough, the shelter really understood how deep their connection was.

The pit bull and the Chihuahua were always together, they did everything together and never left each other’s company. The volunteers understood that Merrill and Taco were best friends and were inseparable and would cry every time they were separated.

Finding a home forever

The shelter knew they had to find a family willing to adopt them both and shared on Facebook: «These two love each other more than any related couple the shelter has ever seen. They cry when they leave each other on each other’s side. This dynamic duo has lost their family, their home, and now we can’t let them lose each other! »

It was hard to find a family willing to adopt a pit bull and chihuahua together, so volunteers shared Taco and Merrill’s story online in hopes of finding one. They were blown away when the story and photo of the two went viral with 14,000 likes.

In the photo, Merrill was sitting in the back seat of her adoptive mother’s car when Taco shoved his head into Merrill’s legs.


The photo was so adorable that it helped their story go viral with over 26,000 views, meaning they were closer to their goal of finding a family forever.

In less than a month, the couple found their forever home in San Diego because their adoptive family wanted to remain anonymous but decided to share photos of the two so everyone knew how they were doing.

The photos show Merrill and Taco lounging by the fireplace in a large plush dog bed, and another shows Taco standing above Merrill’s revealing Taco for being the pair’s boss even though he’s the size of a pint.

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